Wild Autumn Festival competition

The Wild Autumn Festival is in full swing and includes a competition to get behind the scenes of the BBC Autumnwatch 2015 live from WWT Caerlaverock Wetland Centre. So how do you enter the competition to win this fantastic experience?
Simple, just come along to any of the events in the Wild Autumn Festival and take a photo of yourself at the event holding up the Wild Seasons logo and post it to our facebook page www.facebook.com/wildseasonsdg, tweet it to us @wildseasonsdg or e-mail it to us rangers@dumgal.gov.uk. Use the hashtag #WildAutumn when you post it so that we can find it and remember to include your name and how we should contact you if you win.
Make sure we get your photo by the end of the final day of the festival – Monday 26th October because the name will be pulled out of the hat on the following morning. See here for more details.