Reach for the Stars! – Business Opportunities from the Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park – 6th October

Take a leap into the dark and be inspired to make the most of the Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park. With estimates that the park has the potential to bring in £1m annually to the region over the winter months it is an opportunity not to miss. Whether you are a tourism business, or a business that is looking to use natural assets of the region for inspiration and growth this is an event that could give you the edge. In the company of a Biosphere Dark Sky Ranger you will enjoy a star gazing experience. We will give you examples of how you can take advantage of this amazing place and meet with other businesses creating opportunities from the Dark Sky Park and the regions natural and cultural heritage. Come along and join us and benefit from the connections you will make
Time: 18.30 – 21.00
Venue: Kirroughtree Visitor Centre
Cost: Free
Booking: Essential (limited places)
For more information please contact Marie McNulty, at the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere or phone 07467374963
Dumfries & Galloway Business Week 2016