Merrick Knitwear Crowdfunder campaign – two weeks to go!

Today marks two weeks since we launched Merrick Scottish Blackface Knitwear and our Crowdfunder campaign! We’re grateful to everyone who has donated and shared the campaign so far, and we’re almost at half our goal, but now need a big push to raise the money to get garments in production and out to wool-lovers here in Scotland and around the world.
Merrick is a luxury knitwear brand making clothes using 100% Scottish Blackface wool, all of it sourced within this UNESCO Biosphere region. We’re created a pioneering social enterprise model through which all sales profits will go back into supporting the GSA Biosphere’s work in conservation, education, climate action, community projects and more. With your support, this groundbreaking initiative could support Sustainable Development Goals in Scotland and help protect our rural heritage by inspiring new uses for wool from Scottish Blackface sheep, an underappreciated and undervalued breed.
Some fun facts about the campaign so far:
- The 100% Scottish Blackface wool jacket (pictured)has proven to be the most popular garment so far, with almost half of our first production run already sold.
- Our skeins of Blackface wool are also proving popular with hand-knitters, with 8 sold so far. Don’t forget that anyone donating £50 can claim 2 skeins as their Crowdfunder Reward.
- In just two weeks, through your support we’ve grown followers and had some amazing shares on our @MerrickScotland Instagram account.
Merrick has also appeared on the catwalk at the Re:Dress Scotland Slow Fashion Festival on 18th November at the fabulous Easterbrook Hall. This was a wonderful evening showcasing local makers and creatives who specialise in slow fashion, making beautiful garments and accessories that last – a key ethos for us with the Merrick brand. The Merrick charcoal gilet and natural shawl-necked cardigan were on display with the particular privilege of appearing alongside the first ever slow fashion tartan, Re:Dress The Brave (it’s beautiful – please do take some time to look at the photos including on The Wool Gathering’s Facebook). This was the second time Merrick clothing has been on a catwalk; the first occasion was back in June at the Royal Highland Show when we were invited to be part of British Wool‘s Flock To Fashion Show. That event was before Merrick even had a name!
As we enter the final two weeks of our Crowdfunder, we need as many people as possible getting the word out about our campaign. We only have until 7th December to reach our goal and as with all Crowdfunders, if we don’t hit this target then all contributions go back to the donors. As exciting as it is, this is all-or-nothing undertaking. Please share the Crowdfunder link across your networks, and if you’re able to donate, all contributions big and small are greatly appreciated. Also remember that Crowdfunder is the only place that Merrick clothing is available to purchase at the moment, and all four designs are at discounted prices for as long as the campaign is live. Finally, THANK YOU in advance for supporting rural heritage, industry and crafts here in the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere.