Supporting Habitat Management

We are providing a unique opportunity for land managers within the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere to receive advice on habitat management and participate in a collaborative project seeking funding to restore or create valuable habitat though the SRDP Environmental Cooperation Fund (ECAF). We are looking for people interested in a collaborative project within the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere area aiming at managing or restoring special Biosphere habitats with an application to the SRDP Environmental Cooperation Fund later in 2016.
Our Natural Heritage Management Plan contains information to help you manage the habitats that have been identified as particularly important within the Biosphere. We can provide advice on these special habitats and this could add value to your SRDP Agriculture Environment and Climate Scheme application.
We need your help!
Biosphere’s aim to support conservation of habitats and species whilst also supporting sustainable economic development.To help us better understand where our High Focus Species and Habitats occur in the Biosphere please complete a very short survey here
If you are interested then please contact us on;