Creative Arts Share and Learn Event – Great stories to tell – 6th October

Dumfries and Galloway has a wealth of Creative Artists, small scale producers, makers and crafts people all with great stories to tell – many inspired by the areas natural and cultural environment. This event is focused on sharing those stories and learning how to create your own story to help your business grow. As well as a great opportunity to connect with others you will hear from businesses within D & G that are successfully using the areas natural assets in developing their business. Communications and PR professional Matthew Shelley will be joining us to share his wealth of knowledge on effective communications and how to get your message and story to the right people – connecting customers and others with you and your creative arts business.
Date: 6th October, Thursday
Time 13.30 – 15.30
Venue: Glentrool Gallery and Craft Shop – Glentrool Centre
Cost: Free
Booking: Essential
For more information please contact Marie McNulty, at the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere or phone 07467374963
Dumfries & Galloway Business Week 2016