Fork To Farm Dialogues
Fork to Farm Dialogues
Fork To Farm Dialogues was a global project which began in early 2021 and was presented at COP26. With our partners Nourish Scotland and Propagate, our goal was to connect farmers and food producers with policy officers from local authorities in Dumfries & Galloway, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire, and to facilitate critical discussion about sustainability in our food systems. Our particular focus was system shocks such as climate change and Brexit which bring ongoing challenges to food production in southwest Scotland.
Local conversations took place around the world from Ecuador to Indonesia, and their recorded outcomes were presented as a single, global dialogue at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. A report on outcomes and next steps was published in November 2021, which included plans to establish a south-west Scotland Regenerative Farmers Group for peer-to-peer learning. This group is now running across the region with a programme of meet-ups, webinars, farm tours and other events.

Dumfries & Galloway Sustainable Food Partnership is taking the outcomes of Fork to Farm forward and Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere continues to be a key partner. Please click through the link below to find out how Fork to Farm was presented at COP26 plus feedback from the people involved – and to learn about the Agroecological Jigsaw that will be taking our learning to conferences and community events.