Environmental Art

Rosnes Benches
Rosnes Benches are a series of low seats inspired by ancient rock carvings. They are designed to help you take a fresh look at your surroundings from a different level. Lie down on the bench and connect with your surroundings by experiencing the sights, sounds and smells of the Biosphere.
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Striding Arches
Striding Arches an innovative artist-led project which celebrates and interprets the Biosphere uplands. Visit Andy Goldsworthy’s red sandstone arches as they ‘stride’ around a natural amphitheatre created by the hills.
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Crawick Multiverse
Crawick Multiverse was created on a former open-cast coal mine. Designed by Charles Jencks it conveys cosmological themes – galactic mounds, comet collisions, a sun amphitheatre – and culminates in a most recent speculation: that we inhabit one of a number of universes, one surprisingly balanced to produce life and mind.
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The 7 Stanes
The 7 Stanes are unique stone sculptures that reflect local myth and legend and can be found out and about around the 7 Stanes mountain bike trails.
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