sustainable Enterprise
All around the world UNESCO Biospheres are leading initiatives that support sustainable enterprise.
The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership does this through promoting local production and employment, skills development, and vocational training. We have a key role in bringing climate awareness into industry and helping businesses of all sizes achieve Net Zero goals.
Sustainable enterprise brings long term benefits to everyone who lives in or visits Galloway and Southern Ayrshire. Our organisation works with partners in multiple sectors, from the creative arts to renewable energy via hospitality and social enterprise. We are raising awareness of the value of future-focused thinking to our local economy, and how the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals can be incorporated into everyday working life.

Business Proud Supporters
Businesses can sign up to our Proud Supporter charter, six principles that demonstrate support for community, education, and the natural environment. The Proud Supporter scheme encourages connection and cooperation across diverse business sectors, and invites residents and visitors to ‘live local’ in where they eat, stay and shop. We use social media platforms to share the achievements of Proud Supporter businesses in becoming more sustainable, inspiring others to join the journey towards global goals.
Our business Proud Supporters recognise the value that the UNESCO Biosphere designation brings to people and nature, and are working hard to make southwest Scotland a great place to live, work and play. Their commitment and energy inspires others to explore the Biosphere – to try new activities, visit places they haven’t seen before, and to learn more about our natural and cultural heritage.
The Biosphere Certification Mark
Many of our Proud Supporter businesses choose to go that bit further and apply for the Biosphere Certification Mark. This is a trademarked quality scheme which recognises businesses that are achieving Sustainable Development Goals through their support for our environment and local communities. Certification can be achieved whether an enterprise is large or small, and the scheme covers a wide range of business sectors. The Biosphere Certification Mark logo represents a connected and collaborative network of sustainable enterprises who are contributing to a more resilient economy in the UNESCO Biosphere, while bringing an exciting variety of attractions, activities and experiences for residents and visitors to enjoy.

We encourage local businesses to talk about their connection with the UNESCO Biosphere and share their Green Stories…
…tales from the road towards sustainability! It is not always a straightforward journey, but none of us has to travel alone.
The GSA Biosphere Partnership provides an ongoing programme of business development and marketing support for Proud Supporter and Biosphere-certified businesses, which take places both in person and online. We want to help local businesses extend their reach, and communicate more confidently with customers about environmental issues.
Below we have compiled a list of resources to support sustainable enterprise with ‘top tips’ on how business owners can create and share their own Green Stories. For further information on our business development programme, contact our team via info@gsabiosphere.org.uk.