A look back at the Merrick Knitwear Crowdfunding Campaign

Our Crowdfunder campaign came to a close last week and the GSA Biosphere team are delighted that the launch of Merrick Scottish Blackface Knitwear raised £13,292, demonstrating an amazing level of support for this pioneering social enterprise.
Right through the month since the Crowdfunder began the response from supporters was truly inspiring. The enthusiasm for preserving the rich heritage of Scottish Blackface sheep and promoting more varied, innovative and sustainable uses for wool was a key factor in the campaign’s success.
Some fun facts:
- Merrick Knitwear had a total of 131 unique supporters
79 Rewards were claimed over the 30-day fundraising campaign
- Among the Rewards, Merrick’s 100% Blackface wool jumpers proved to be the most popular garment with supporters – the first production run completely sold out as pre-orders!
- The skeins also were extremely popular, with 41 pairs selling during the campaign. For those who don’t know, a skein is a length of yarn that is loosely coiled and knotted. This is one of the more common ways yarns are sold to hand knitters, and we’re excited to see what some of our buyers produce!
- Mid-campaign, Merrick’s gilet and shawl-necked cardigan were on the catwalk at the Re:Dress Scotland Slow Fashion Festival
- The Crowdfunder achieved some exciting press coverage, including a photo of our volunteer models wearing the four garment designs appearing in a Saturday edition of The Daily Telegraph on 2nd December
Now that the campaign has concluded, we’re looking ahead to building the Merrick brand and getting the clothing range on sale. The donations received through Crowdfunder will be used for programming days for factory and micro-production, and to create a market sample garment set for trade shows and exhibitions, which will allow us to continue showcasing the benefits and potential uses of Blackface wool. The funds raised will also be used for getting Merrick’s digital side set up, which includes:
- Professional photography for marketing and an online shopfront
- Social media, marketing and promotional support
- Branded printing and artwork for packaging
Merrick Scottish Blackface Knitwear operates under a social enterprise model, through which all profits from sales go back into supporting the GSA Biosphere’s work in conservation, education, climate action, community projects and more. We’re also making sure that we pay above the market rate for the fleece we source, and hope that Merrick Knitwear will help raise the profile of Blackface fleece and awareness of its amazing versatility, leading to an improved market rate.
For everyone who has supported, contributed, shared and promoted our campaign, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU. These actions have not only ensured the success of our campaign, but also contributed to our broader vision of supporting rural heritage, industry and crafts here in the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere.
Merrick Knitwear is on Instagram, please do follow to keep up to date with progress on the plans outlined above. To read more on the Merrick story since our Blackface wool pilot launched in September 2021, please visit this page. Merrick’s social side, The Wool Gathering, is a public Facebook group – all are welcome to join the conversation and enjoy what our members are creating with wool. Finally, for press or promotional enquiries, get in touch with the Merrick Knitwear team by emailing info@gsabiosphere.org.uk.